Various Kinds of Locks
By: Kalley Danese
With so many different lock types available, it can be hard to know where to start when trying to pick the lock that will get the job done. The type of lock you use depends on where you plan to use it, among other factors. The following article will help you decide which lock best suits your current needs and help you to narrow down how to make the best choice for your home, business, or automobile.
Business Locks
Security for your business is crucial. You want to make sure during both hours of operation and during the off-time hours that your business location is safe. Upgrading or installing a new lock and key system can help bring you a greater sense of peace, knowing that your business is secured. Additionally, regardless of the kind of business you own, keep in mind that the safety of your clientele and employees should remain a top priority. Considering the option that will best serve your business is a choice you will never regret.
There are several different options to consider for securing your business. Though first, consider the size of your business and how many entrances and exits you have. Also, you may want to consider how many employees you have hired and how often they may be coming in and out of the building or buildings that you own. The amount of traffic, as well as the number of doors to and from the building will be helpful to take into consideration when deciding what type of lock system to use.
For the most secure lock system, biometric readers would be your top choice. These devices are able to read one’s retina or thumbprint, allowing access only to those individuals whom you have authorized. For businesses that store highly sensitive or expensive material, higher security such as the kind provided with biometric readers is likely your best bet. While they can be far more expensive and involved than traditional business locks, your local locksmith will be able to further discuss with you how your business may benefit from a more advanced system. You can also pair these systems with other add-on security devices, such as cameras and floodlights, which may also benefit your business’s security needs.
Residential Locks
Deadlocks are the most obvious choice for securing your home. Along with traditional locking doorknobs, a deadbolt adds an extra layer of security to the entryways of your home. Deadbolt locks can be easily installed by your local locksmith. Even though deadbolt knobs can be installed or replaced on your own, it is recommended that you have a locksmith ensure the deadbolts are properly set up. A deadbolt lock that is not installed properly is nearly as ineffective as not having an extra lock on the door at all. To keep your family and your home protected, enlisting the help of a specialized and trained locksmith will ensure your money is well spent and your home ultimately protected.
If you are concerned about your home’s security or want extra protection beyond what is offered from a traditional dead bolt lock, you could install a system similar to those used by businesses, just on a smaller scale. Installing a “smart" or electronic locking system for your home will give you far more capabilities both on site and remotely for securing your home. Thanks to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, many electronic locks can be secured from phone applications and even track entrance and exit traffic to and from your home. There are many great affordable options for electronic lock systems. Be sure to contact your local locksmith and have your home evaluated for the best possible model and options for your family’s security.
Automotive Lock and Key Systems
If you are concerned about or have even experienced some sort of car theft or break-in, you will likely want added security on your vehicle to prevent another reoccurrence. You may even have a brand-new vehicle that you feel inclined to keep extra secure.
If you want to secure your car quickly, easily, and affordably, one of your best options is either a steering wheel lock or a pedal lock. These can be especially useful in high-crime areas or if theft in your area has increased. Steering wheel locks connect to your steering wheel and effectively lock it in place. There are various types, but most are quite affordable and easy to install yourself. A pedal lock works in a similar fashion, it just holds the brake in place.
Another type of lock involves a code pad installed onto your car’s exterior. Some newer models of vehicles either come with or give the owner an option to install a keypad lock. This type of entry is convenient and easy to use. Through the use of a code that is entered into the keypad near the driver’s side handle, the driver is able to enter without a key.
Purchasing and Installing New Locks
Now that you have taken the time to get an overview of different kinds of locks, and maybe even some newer devices you did not know about, you now must choose a locksmith you will be able to trust. To get the best deal, as well as the best recommendations for how to best secure your home, automobile, or residence, a locksmith with lots of experience should be a priority.